
Bulletin Board

The History of the Club.....

Tom McCoy was working at the Portland State University Book Store putting out new books when he came across a book called The Beer Can by BCCA. He bought it and showed it to Terry Hilderbrand since they were both collecting beer cans. They promptly joined the BCCA and when they received their roster they decided to form a chapter.

Meanwhile, in Trout Lake, Jerry Hyatt was collecting beer cans and in 1969 he heard about the BCCA from relatives who saw an article about the BCCA in the Seattle paper. Jerry never found the article, but kept his eyes open for information on the BCCA. In 1974, he was in the Heileman's Brewing Company parking lot in LaCrosse, Wisconsin getting ready to tour the brewery when he spotted a BCCA sticker on a car bumper and waited for the owner to appear. After a while he wrote the owner a ote asking him to wait for him becuase he wanted information. The guys met and actually traded some cans.

Jerry joined the BCCA thereafter and went to the Rogue River Rooser Crow where the Rainier Chapter and the 49'er Chapter met in Rogue River, Oregon to trade cans and drink beer. Wayne Yerkes and Jerry talked about forming a chapter and decided to each call half of the folks from Oregon registered with the BCCA.

On December 10, 1977 the first meeting of the Portland Chapter was held and officially began at 8 p.m. after an hour and a half of socializing to get acquainted. Those in attendance were Jerry Hyatt (#8569), Dave Kangiser (#10267), Oliver Kessinger, Dick Krattiger (#5356), Tom McCoy (#9144), Mike McDonough (#5257), Bob Smith (#2932) and Wayne Yerkes (#2777).  The meeting was held at Dick Krattinger's home in Portland.

From this first meeting the club has grown into the wonderful Cascade Chapter that we all enjoy so much. We have shared so many fun events, made lasting friendships and added to our collections. Thanks, guys, for starting something so wonderful!


2016 Executive Board
President................Jim Wells
Vice-President.........Tom McCoy
Secretary................Craig Kuhns
Treasurer................Diane Heimel  Marlies Irby
Member-At-Large.... Steve O'Neil
Past President........ Norman Irby
Chapter Mail........... Marlies Irby
Newsletter.............. Al Elkins


Past President
2015      Jim Wells
2014      Norman Irby
2013     Steve O'Neil
2012     Steve O'Neil
2011     Norman Irby
2010     Norman Irby
2009     Brian Etzel
2008     Brian Etzel
2007     Thomas McCoy
2006     Thomas McCoy
2005     Thomas McCoy
2004     Suzie Listy
2003     Brian Etzel
2002     Jim Wells
2001     Suzy Listy
2000     Jim Wells
1999     Craig Kuhns
1998     Brian Etzel
1997     David Wilhite
1996     Brian Anderson
              Vince Gallagher
1995     Jeff Berry
1994     Dave Farah
1993     Terry Hilderbrand
1992     Jerry Merrill
1991     Howard Bauer
1990     Terry Hilderbrand
1989     Hank Ciaffoni
1988     Brian Anderson
1987     Jerry Hyatt
1986     Rich Horrocks
1985     Steve Watkins
1984     Dave McGuire
1983     Roger White
1982     Tony Alminiana
1981     Mike Dabner
1980     Frank Washburn
1979     Jerry Hyatt
1978     Jerry Hyatt

CBA Volunteers

Advertising................Jim Wells
Website....................Norm Irby
Calling Committee....   .Brian Etzel
Food "Yum-Yum"..... ..Marlies Irby
Historian...................Donna McCoy
Raffle Items............  .Craig Kuhns, Tom McCoy,  & Norm Irby
Raffle Caller............  .Jim Wells & Marlies Irby
Registrars..............  ..Dianne & Ed Heimel


CBA Hall of Fame

2012     Jim Wells
2008     Tom & Donna McCoy
2006     Rich Horrocks
2004     Pete Magnuson
2001     Vince Gallagher
1999     Terry Hilderbrand
1998     Hank Ciaffoni
1994     Ed Welter
1992     Jerry Hyatt

Memorial List Of Past Member
John Seelow                                                    Tom McCloud
Matt & Barb Knoblauch                                     Dave Kangiser
Jerry Merrill                                                     Dareell Blake
Hank Ciaffoni                                                   Dennis Inkster
Terry Hilderbrand                                             Roger Painter
Hank Ciafoni                                                    Tex Ritter
Roy Rawlings                                                   Lyle Gaddis
Bob Kramer                                                     Larry Boeckman
Dick Kattiger                                                   Richard Mash
Dick McEachern                                               Charlie Papp
Von Fuger                                                       Bud Burleson
Dick Turner                                                     Martha Nilssen
Bob Alexander                                                 Charles Poe
Joyce Farah                                                     Don White
Sam & Polly Grogg                                           John & Muriel Bernhard
Wayne Manning                                               Bill Mugrage
Dave McGuire                                                  Dale Graff
Pam Hedges                                                    Harry D'Archangelo
Maggie Chambers                                            Stan Pardee
Don Younger                                                   Wilette Bauer 
Larry Mackler